CPU's, AI and You - A Mental CrisisI

You know what I am talking about. I published my first article on this issue in the UBC internal newspaper more than 30 years ago. In essence the article criticized companies for spending millions if not tens of millions on computer hardware and software (including massive ERP projects) but as the project stutters they either cut or downgrade their investments in training ‘humans’ on how to use them! Still true today. When the project is delayed or new management feels that they must force changes to the plan to demonstrate their worthiness you will hear (just a few examples) that the ‘scope’ needs to be reduced to meet project deadlines, there is a ‘good’ help facility in the software, there will be a ‘super’ help desk, we will deal with this is phase 2. Any of this sound familiar.

We now have a new player thus this article. AI. AI is now touted as the ‘greatest thing since sliced bread’ to solve all of our training and support issues. Good luck with that one! (please subscribe to see the rest of the article and the rest of these commentaries)