The Toxic Workplace

There is nothing more detrimental (notice the word mental in this common term) to a workplace than if its focus is ‘blame fixing’.

Bad managers exist for many reasons. Poor training, lack of respect for other humans and of course some are just plain stupid or nasty. Their superiors allow them to exist for many reasons. Excuses abound on this front as well. Too busy to deal with it is their favorite. More likely they are checking their investments online or worse, like sucking up to their superiors. No time to monitor, advise or support their underlings. The really ‘toxic’ managers would sell out all their subordinates in an instant! Their approach is to fire them if things get out of hand especially if either the internal of external negative feedback gets annoying.

In other words, if a toxic workplace is allowed to prevail in your organization you can be sure that the incompetence flows upwards all the way to the top! So what are your options? (please subscribe to see the rest of the article and the rest of these commentaries)