Today Is:

This Months Advertising Promotions

Promotion Details

  1. Get the 4th month FREE when you purchase a text link for 3 months on any 'Main Category Page': $30.00 all inclusive. ($10.00/mo. for this 90 day period). Normal rate for a text link on any Main Category page is $25/mo. (Total Savings: $70.00)

  2. Get the 4th month FREE when you purchase a 3 month 'Top 10 Button' on any 'Main Category Page': $75.00 all inclusive. ($25.00/mo for this 90 day period). Normal rate for a graphic link on any Main Category page is $50/mo. (Total Savings: $125.00)

  3. Get the 4th month FREE when you purchase a 3 month Banner Ad. on any 'Main Category Page': $75.00 all inclusive. ($25.00/mo for this 90 day period). Normal rate for a Banner on any Main Category page is $50/mo. ( Savings: $125.00). SPECIAL OFFER: INCLUDES FREE BUTTON ON THE ALBERTA RESOURCES HOME PAGE FOR THIS 90 PERIOD. (LIMITED SPACE). ( Total Savings: $125.00 + $300.00 = $425.00).

  4. Get the 4th month FREE when you purchase a 3 month 'Top 10 Button' on MauiBuys Home Page: $150.00 all inclusive.  ($50.00/mo for this 90 day period). (Total Savings: $250.00)

  5. Get the 4th month FREE when you purchase a 3 month Banner Ad. on the Alberta Resources Home Page': $150.00 all inclusive. ($50.00/mo for this 90 day period). Normal rate for a Banner on Alberta Resources Home Page is $100/mo. (Total Savings: $250.00)

Banner Examples (468x60):

Button Examples (100x63):

Best Western Pioneer Inn

Alberta Resources Main Category Page or Home Page Beveled Button

Payment Details (US Funds):

To order one of these ad specials, please click a button to make credit card payment via PayPal. We will be notified immediately by Pay Pal and we will contact you for ad. details. You may also contact us by e-mail if you would like additional information on these specials or to arrange a 'custom' display ad for your company.


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