M.K. Cross Murder Mysteries


R. B. Campbell - Author Biography

Being born and raised on the South Shore of Montreal, Quebec, Canada in a rural setting was freedom on a whole other level. As a child he roamed the fields and paddled through the streams with his constant and true protector Duke. Duke was a very big German Shepard and had a kind disposition unless you wanted to get near our author. His parents were never afraid if they couldn’t see him as long as they could see Dukes big tail wagging above the grass they knew where he could be found.

In the late 1970’s he packed up and moved to western Canada, Calgary, Alberta to be specific, and worked there until the mid 1980’s when he moved to British Columbia. In 2002 he moved back to Alberta and still resides there pursuing his many interests.

He has travelled and worked in more than 40 states in the USA as well as travelling in the Caribbean, Europe,  Norway and other exotic locations. There is a three way tie for number one on his travel list! New York City,  London, England and everywhere on Maui!

His passion is writing but his work was in the technology sector. He began writing in his teens and never stopped but it was his work in the technology sector that has provided the financial freedom to now pursue his passion for writing full time.

Murder in the Golden Dawn, his first e-book was published in 2015 and is still available in all the usual places!


Who is M. K. Cross?

Meloh Khel Cross is an early 20th century criminologist and private investigator who's main stomping ground is London, England. He is a war hero with many interests and pursuit's which includes criminal psychology, anthropology and archaeology just to name a few.

He is very complex character and he is introduced in the e-book Murder in the Golden Dawn published in 2015. At the end of this book an interesting (and totally fictional) case is made to link M.K. Cross and the creation of the also fictional, Sherlock Holmes!

Murder in the Golden Dawn

Murder in the Golden Dawn

This is the first book in the M.K. Cross Murder Mystery series and introduces the sleuth and his family origins.

The Golden Dawn was an infamous occult organization attended by such characters as Aleister Crowley.

Deception and greed are at the heart of story that embraces the vibrant and intriguing Victorian period in London, England.

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Murder in Salem (2024)

The second book in this series is set in 2025 New York City. The great, great grandson of M. K. Cross has inherited the ERA investigations group and he has been asked to look into several suspicious deaths by a potential and very attractive client. The New York City homicide division is also very interested in these deaths but to date they have not been classified as murders. There seems to be no common thread between these deaths .. or is there.

Revenge takes center stage in this fast moving M.K. Cross murder mystery.



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